Saturday, April 27, 2013

Task 3 Reflection

Final blog post for this class!

Task 3 was crazy guys! :)

1.   Share the web address url of your groups ScreenR presentation.

2.   Reflect on your contributions and how you contributed to making your group a success?

Mmmmm, I would say that I did my fair share. I might have even done less than that. I would like to say that I was an encouragement to the group but that's only something my group members can judge. I think Melanie was the one who suggested our overall PBL scenario so she should get that credit. Also Jason did like seriously all the heavy lifting so he should get that credit as well. I think I could have contributed more to this PBL scenario but overall I'm proud of our team and what we've accomplished. :) Good Job guys! 

Week 15 Teamwork

Howzzziiittt mah buddahs!

Alright, so this week we were asked to read an article about teamwork within online courses. Apparently someone noticed how we college online students work and made some observations. This smart man decided that there are commonly 4 types of students that emerge; there is the Martyr, the Excuse-Meister, the "Breathless in...", and the Silent Partner. Each group was assigned a type of student and was required to come up with 3 strategies that can help prevent or limit this type of student from occurring within teams. We were given the Silent Partner.

Here is an excerpt from the article about the Silent Partner:
The most problematic is the "Silent Partner." The Silent Partner is not really a partner in any meaningful sense, other than he expects to receive the same credit as the other team members, though he has been absent from much of the team process. He prefers to let others carry the load and then appears at the end with his tale of woe. I see "going silent" as a group member’s top transgression. It is a significant source of stress and frustration in groups and the top source of intra-team conflict in student projects.

The next three suggestions were created by our fearless leader, Jason Nagata :) He's carried our whole group together throughout this entire semester so he would totally know how to deal with a Silent Partner.

#1: Teams need to set ground rules. Rules that include a weekly meeting time whether it be face to face or online. These weekly meetings will be mandatory and will be used to discuss forums and project information. Teams should also have a project calendar. Having one will help reduce time spent on reminding the team about what is due. This project calendar will also keep the group on task and up to date.

#2. Teams need to have good communication skills. Team members need to have an open line of communication and be responsible for each other. If a member is not participating in the weekly meet up and is not responding to emails, texts messages should be sent out to make sure each member is in the loop. In a sense, team members should not allow anyone to be 'going silent.'

#3. Be understanding and encouraging. We agree that emergencies arise and some members won't be able to contribute from time to time but amount of excuses should not pile up. Teams should set their own rules for the amount of excuses that are allowed. After that amount is reached then the team can contact the instructor. We rather have Excuse- Meister's than Silent Partners because at least we wont be chasing after a ghost. :)

Yup, so that's how we would deal with a Silent Partner. Let me know if you agree, disagree or have any comments!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Task 3-6 Reflection

Greetings friends and family! Here's this week's reflection :)

  1. Why is it important to use teams in PBL?
It's important to use teams in PBL because it's a crazy amount of work! Plus, as teachers we have to be able to work together to impact lives. We've talked before about how students don't see the synergy between the classes they take. We want to rid students of that problem and show that each class they take is essential and each class they take somehow relates to each other. Working as a team in creating a PBL will keep teachers in the loop of what is expected from each student. Then our material can help students toward their overall PBL task and show students that we care about their overall goals. 

2.What are some of the problems you see in student teams?

In high school the problems I saw were basic. There were problems with power- maybe two head strong students couldn't agree. There were problems with bystanders- there's always that one student who has no input or opinions. There were problems with students not doing quality work. In college I see almost the same thing. But I mostly see problems with students not participating or contributing to the work load. Especially in my online classes, but it's understandable because I've been that student from time to time. 

3. What strategies can you use to manage conflict in student teams?

I think the biggest strategy is planning. Teams need to make a plan and stick to it. They need to make their own rules upon how to deal with each other and abide by their rules. Having a set guideline on what is expected and consequences should really help any group out.

4. Did the group have any questions or problems this week?

Nope, none this week! I think we're all excited for the summer :) Yayyyyyyyy!

Task 3-5 Reflection

G'day Ladies and Gentle-friends! Got this week's reflection for ya!

1.    What ideas have you contributed to your team this week?I don't think I've contributed to any new ideas. I'm sure we were all just focusing on finishing up our PBL.

2.    What role did you play on your team this week?This week was more of a collaboration of things. I just looked over what we had and I think Jason put everything together. 

3.    How did you encourage and support your team members this week?This week was kind of a weird one because it's mixed with another week so not much action going on and not much opportunity to encourage I guess. But I did see Jason at school and we talked about class. Basically we encouraged each other and Aunty Mel to finish strong and graduate! ;) I'm so glad they've decided to walk at the commencement ceremony. Whoot whoot!

4.    Did the group have any questions or problems this week?

Mmm none that I know of. We're all just plowing through til the end of the semester!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Task 3-4 Reflection

ALOHA ALL! Snaps this semester has flown by so quickly! I'm drowning in a pile of homework and it's an extremely intense workout but the best part is knowing that the shore is within eyesight. 

Here's this week's reflection:

1.    What ideas have you contributed to your team this week?
This week's forum was happily simple. All of our answers were almost identical but I think I was the only one who said that our google doc page has helped us communicate a lot. Unless, another person sparked that thought and I copied them. Aha I''m not sure. 

2.    What role did you play on your team this week?
To be honest I don't know what role I was supposed to play this week. And because I didn't know what role to play I just took a blank question and answered it. My group hasn't gotten back to me yet so I really hope I didn't steal someone's question.

3.    How did you encourage and support your team members this week?
Hhhhmmm not sure. Our power point thing isn't done yet so hopefully they'll see that I completed a question and they'll be encouraged to do their part :)

4.    Did the group have any questions or problems this week?
Nope not that I know of! OH except I think I was a bit confused for a while. Our group leader started all our forums early so I was so confused on what module we were on. But I eventually figured it out, it's good that we have Jason keeping us afloat! Thanks bruthaman! 

Task 3-3 Reflection

Kia Orana!

1.    What ideas have you contributed to your team this week?

NONE :( Gahhh sorry guys.

2.    What role did you play on your team this week?

I totally didn't do anything. My bad guys I was seriously on Spring Break Mode and I assumed that there was no work due for any class!

3.    How did you encourage and support your team members this week?

All I did was tell them good job, I mean that's all I could do because when I logged in everything was already done. I'm really glad we have such a good group though. Jason has done A LOT to keep us afloat! He deserves like 21 million extra credit points :) No joke.

4.    Did the group have any questions or problems this week?
I wouldn't know :( 

Task 3-2 Reflection

Wassup Wassup! :) Reflection time!

1.    What roles did the members of your team have this week?

Ummm, this week we each had to write an SLO for our PBL. Jason was project manager, Melanie was our proof reader and Kaye-lani was our adviser.

2.    Given your role in the group this week, how did you contribute to group?

This week I wrote one of our SLO's, it was actually pretty fun to write. Also, I encouraged the group- which is also a fun thing to do :)

3.    What worked well this week?

I think because we each had something specific to do and something that was equal in responsibility, it got us to do work :)

4.    What will you do differently next time?
Aha, once again I was one of the last to turn in my input. Gotta work on them non-procrastination skills! >.< 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Task 3-1 Reflection

Hey y'all... Task 3 ALREADY!

1.    What roles did the members of your team have this week?
Well looking at our rough draft some of us were given the assignment of setting up the Google doc page, monitoring group participation, scenario idea, visuals, conclusion and editor in chief. 

2.    Given your role in the group this week, how did you contribute to group?
I was given the role of choosing the visuals we would use. When searching for what visuals to use I thought I wasn't choosing very good pictures but looking at the final set up I think those pictures turned out great :) 

3.    What worked well this week?
I think emailing each other, posting in our forums and having the google doc open for all of us to see was really helpful. 

4.    What will you do differently next time? 
I turned in my pictures late so I'll be sure to get it done earlier next time :) 

Week 10 Group 4 Current Event

Aloha fellow educators!

This week's current event topic was: As individuals share your opinion on your top 3 computer Internet skills children should develop so that they will be prepared folife in the information age? 

This week our group has decided that among many things internet safety, internet ethics and netiquette are the top 3 computer internet skills that children should develop. 

We believe that in this generation parents are allowing their children more and more time on the internet. With so many appealing social medias out there, children are constantly creating new profiles and giving away their information. We agreed that passwords should be strong and all internet devices should have reliable virus protection. We also agreed that children should be aware of internet ethics. We all have to learn to abide by cyber laws such as copyrights with information and images. And speaking of images we would also like to point out that children should be cautious of not just the information they give out but also the pictures they post. They should understand that anyone can not only see their pictures but also steal their pictures. Children should know not to degrade themselves by the pictures they post. Lastly, we believe that netiquette is an important skill to learn. We believe that netiquette is important not only because it teaches the children the proper way to communicate on the internet but also because it teaches children that whatever they post, it may be there forever. So children should know not slander themselves or anyone else while they communicate on the web. 

Overall, that was our suggestions on the top 3 computer internet skills we believe children should have. Here are a few links that we all thought were a good read: Enjoy :)

Monday, March 4, 2013

Task 2: The Debrief

So Task 2 was pretty cool too. I have not used any educational website or tool before this class unless CourseCompass, TeenBiz and Laulima counts. Like I said in my introduction I really suck with technology so I haven't used nor have I had the interest to explore different web tools. But it's good to know that these type of things are available to me. For this task I chose LiveBinders because it wasn't too complicated to figure out. I'm pretty sure there are other web tools that do what LiveBinders does PLUS other cool stuff but LiveBinders was simple enough for me. I would probably use this tool in my classroom but by that time I think I would have found something more versatile . We'll see :) As for improving the web 2.0 tool selection process, I think the process was good. Having that table to chose from in our resources was helpful. The only reason I chose something other than the suggestions in our resources was because I didn't want to possibly have the same screenR video as someone else. 

Here's the link to my video: 

Monday, February 25, 2013

Task 1: The Debrief

So Task 1 was pretty cool! Lot's of exploring and experimenting going on! Before this semester I had a Google Blogger but nothing else, no Twitter, iGoogle, Reader or Diigo. I think each tool is great to have! The blog is good for teacher/student communication. iGoogle is pretty fun and is good for quick accessibility  Reader is useful for when I want articles to refer to. And Diigo is just amazing. But I don't see the value in Twitter. I'm not sure if I will continue using these tools. For sure I won't use Twitter, Blogger is a mayyybbee depending if I have time to blog, iGoogle would be good if I set mine up better, Reader is beast so I'll keep that one and Diigo is good if I can just master it. Aha they're all amazing,  it's just the fact that if I had time to get to know all the functions of each tool then I would use them but I don't know when I'll get that time. For now, Google search bar works for me.

Also ScreenR is beast so I'm sure I'll use that one!

Here's my video! 

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Week 6 Group 4 Current Event

Hello everybody! This week our Current Event topic was:

Current Event Topic: iPads are they all that they are made out to be as they relate to whole classroom?  Identify an article, blog post or website that takes a position (which you agree with) on the usefulness of the Apple iPad in the classroom.

Explanation: From what you know and from what you have researched are the iPads an important tool for your classroom.  Would an Andriod based tablet be a better fit?  What about a cabinet of laptops?  What about a cabinet of less powerful notebook computers?   What about traditional desktop computer stations?

This week Jason chose our winning article:

In summary our group agreed that iPads are better than Androids when comparing the overall benefits of using technology to enhance education in the classroom.The biggest issue that this article discusses is if the iPad is worth it's money. Here are a few key quotes from the article that defend why tablets are useful and why iPads are more efficient:

"However, the potential to enhance teaching and learning with the freedoms provided by mobile devices becomes a different story; the capacity to excite, engage and personalise learning is undoubtedly present. With the flexibility and portability of tablet devices many of the former obstructions fell away – the enhancements were only enhanced!"

"Crucially, no other Android device provides anything like the scope for enhancing teaching and learning like the iPads..."

"Apple is better for such a deployment of multiple devices include the following:
-          The Apple OS is upgraded and installed much faster and more effectively than equivalent Android OS, therefore apps on iPads continue to get faster and better, particularly in areas like iTextbooks etc.
-          The back up, synchronising and cloud storage of iCloud is far superior to any Android equivalent, therefore student work is more secure
-          OS support is proven to be more consistent from Apple
-          Malware, viruses are considerably more common on Android devices and security on Android devices is significantly weaker. The gatekeeper control of Apple means the downloading of apps is more secure and their system provides excellent systematic protections for multiple devices
-          The range of Apple apps is currently significant larger and of better quality (a quality controlled by Apple)
-          Apple development and support is more consistent and systematic than Google’s Android model – this is crucial for our needs over the next five years. "

Lastly the author of the article using this quote to conclude his claim“pay cheap, pay twice” and our group agrees with him. 

I'd also like to add another article from our group mate, Michelle. . Don't take our word for it, check out this article that shows what educators have chosen. Apple iPad or Android Tablet? Click on it :)

Monday, January 21, 2013

Self Introduction

Hi, my name is Johanna Rose Mindo but everyone from school calls me Mindo. 

My favorite technology gadget is my laptop Solomon. I figure that he's my favorite because there was this one day that he wasn't working very well and I had to take him to the laptop doctors (Geek Squad) and leave him there over night. IT WAS TORTURE! I went home and I tried to do things but I realized how much I needed him. I couldn't play music, I couldn't do homework, I couldn't do anything! I can't even recall much of that day, it's like I dropped off my laptop and the world stopped. I sound pretty lame but that is literally what happened that day. So long story short, Solomon my laptop is my favorite gizmo :)

My group work style is people friendly. I like to hear out other people's ideas first then throw in my own ideas. Unless I'm in a group where nobody talks or nobody wants to contribute, then I usually delegate. I'm really lame with technology and I consider myself technology illiterate, hence why I'm taking this class. I'll usually do the bulk of the work or the parts that no one wants to do- just don't count on me for fancy tech stuff until after this class. So if I'm placed in your group then know that I will make an effort to make sure all voices are heard and that I am down to do my share of the work! :) Excited to see who I'm grouped up with and how this will work since we're an online class. 

Also I'm late to the class so I hope no one chose this link!